Cash buyers make up 30% of market nationally

I reported this fact back in February/March–but according to this article: It is a trend that has remained in place. People with money are recognizing that right now is...

Springtime Analysis of Eastwood Neighbors

Comparison of the real estate market in East Nashville’s “Eastwood Neighbors” in March/April/May in both 2010 and 2011. 2010: 8 closings 20 houses withdrawn or expired from the market Ave sales price–$255,662 68 days on market 2011: 8 closings...

The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act

Many people don’t realize that if they go through a short sale or foreclosure that the forgiven debt from their mortgage “could” be a taxable event. In the opening salvos of the housing meltdown, I remember hearing OUTRAGE that someone who bought an...