Inglewood (37216) zinging along too: 2.84 month supply of housing

by | Mar 29, 2013 | Neighborhoods

Yesterday I calculated the absorption rate for hot zip code, 37206. What is the absorption rate? Look here.

Today to help my Inglewood buds know what is up in their ‘hood, I calculated the absorption rate for them. If no other house came on the market at all, current housing inventory would be sold out in 2.84 months. 347 sales in the past year. 81 currently on the market. At that rate of sales, it takes less than 3 months to sell ’em all.

Sounds easy enough….but you want to still be positioned in the best possible manner in order to get the highest your house will possibly bring. Additionally, you need representation to steer you past the pitfalls that can plague a transaction. That is where we help. Call us.

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1 Comment

  1. MHG

    Fantastic information! Thanks for sharing.