More new shiny Information–or why Cash is King

by | Mar 31, 2011 | Matt's Anecdotes

Speaking with my broker this morning and discussing a recent sale I had involving a cash buyer–he mentioned that of Keller Williams Nashville’s closings in February, 12 of the 54 closings were CASH money sales.

That means for our market center, 22% of closings in February were for CASH. What does it all mean? It feels like the people that have money are putting it at play in the real estate market.

Housing is historically affordable and people that have money are not hoarding it in a fearful mindset–they are buying up real estate. Why? In ten years they don’t want to be those mopey people at cocktail parties saying, “man if I’d only bought back in 2011 when prices were so low. Look how much I could have made on my investment….”

Don’t be that guy.

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