Give where you live: Red Day!

by | May 22, 2013 | Matt's Anecdotes, Uncategorized

A foundational belief that Keller Williams Realty embodies is “Give where you live”. In that spirit, market centers around the country collectively work in their respective communities on the second Thursday in May every year in an event called “Red Day”.

The Nashville market center comes together every year to help organizations and individuals in our Red Day project. This year we came together locally to help someone near and dear to our local market center, Mary Barcomb. Mary works as the right hand person of our Market Center Administrator (MCA in Keller speak). She always has a smile on her face and works very hard, probably the most cheerful person at the office. What no one knew are the challenges Mary faces. She has lived in the same house for 17 years and is her husband Warren’s primary care-giver. He has had health challenges and expenses and she not only works at Keller full-time but works on the weekends at a gas station. She basically works 7 days a week and is her husband’s primary care-giver.

Naturally when you have those sort of challenges the upkeep of your house takes a back seat. Mary’s house, while nice, suffered from some deferred maintenance issues. The landscaping was non-existent and the yard was a bit shaggy. She had some stuff that needed to be hauled off and her handicap ramp for Warren had deteriorated. Our ALC (Agent Leadership Council) decided that this year’s Red Day efforts should go towards blessing Mary and Warren with some updates to their house.

The scope of the work:

Clean the gutters, do landscaping beds and new plants and mulch, paint the foundation and doors, replace crawl space door, move some junk, move an old fishing boat, rebuild the handicap ramp and install new stairs. Resources? 40 agents descending on her house with plant material donated by Samara Farms commercial nursery.

*side note: Matt Dawson with Natural Creations Landscaping and Samara Farms Commercial Nursery stepped up in a big way when asked. Matt provided a box truck full of plants from crepe myrtles and trees to azaleas and laurels. His contribution cannot be underestimated. Thank you so much Matt and Samara Farms!

The Red Day team!!

I can’t express how this event touched me. We do this event every year and it makes a huge impact in people’s lives. However, since we know and love Mary and the recipient is someone we know–it really has brought home to me how much impact Red Day can make in an individual’s life. I’m very happy that we could bless Mary and Warren with a wonderful freshening up of their home and so happy to be a part of KW’s Red Day!


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