9 Current Statistics in Nashville Real Estate

by | Jun 18, 2013 | Reports


So you’ve noticed that your neighbor sold their house quickly and you are seeing “good news” in the paper, social media, and on the news…guess what? The hype is real. Here are 9 reasons you need to list your house right now while conditions are GOOD. (info provided from the Greater Nashville Association of Realtors as of the end of May)

  1. 3,061 closings for May 2013. Up 22.4% from May 2012.
  2. YTD closings are 11,821 which is up 24% from the 9,541 closings in the same period last year.
  3. May 2013 sales surpassed 3000 units for the month for the first time in six years (last time was Aug ’07)
  4. 3,069 sales pending at the end of the month (so another 3000+ month on tap for June?) vs. 2,671 sales pending at the end of May 2012.
  5. Average days on market for single family homes was 73 days.
  6. Median sales price for a single family home is up 9%. From $179,000 to $195,000.
  7. Median sales price for a condominium is up 5%. From $160,000 to $166,900.
  8. Inventory at the end of May was 16,760 down from the 19,503 reported in May 2012, a 14% decrease.
  9. Buyers are competing to buy the limited inventory. It might not last forever as interest rates are ticking up.

So if you have been “thinking” of selling….what are you waiting for? Call us. We are here to help.

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