Secure your home before you travel for the Holidays

by | Dec 20, 2010 | Matt's Anecdotes

Consider these tips when leaving for days or weeks during the holidays to insure that your home will be safe and secure when you return.

–Simple as it sounds, check all windows and doors to make sure they are securely latched/locked.
–Have several interior and exterior lights on a timed program to turn on and make your house appear “lived in”.
–Have a radio tuned to a talk radio station at high volume near entrances.
–Have at least one car parked where it is most visible so that the home looks occupied.
–Leave the thermostat down but still on so that no pipes freeze.
–Have the mail temporarily suspended so that overflow isn’t coming out of your mailbox indicating that no one is home.
–If it snows, have a friend or neighbor drive into the driveway several times to make it look like people have been there. Additionally, have them walk to and from the front door from the driveway to make it appear that someone has gone in and out of the house.
–If you don’t already have a monitored alarm–get one.

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